Open the link on a separate tab then follow these steps to see if you live in a Designated Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA)!

*If you reside WITHIN a designated HPSA then YOU QUALIFY for our type of care/service, no medical necessity required!*

Follow these steps to see if you live in a Designated Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA)!

  • Step #1

    To the left of the screen you will find a drop down menu. Select “Shorate

  • Step #2

    Select the drop down “Shortage Areas” and click on “Dental Health Area HPSA’s”.

  • Step #3

    Select “HPSA Score” and press “Add Now”. This will color code and number the designated shortage area. The higher the number the greater the necessity for dental care.

  • Step #4

    All areas that are considered designated Dental professional shortage areas will be highlighted. press the “+” sign to zoom in.

  • Step #5

    Zoom in until you find your place of residence. If you reside within the purple highlighted areas YOU QUALIFY for this type of care/service, no medical necessity required.